Love is in the air! Celebrating Valentine’s Day is a tradition that traces back to an ancient Roman celebration of Lupercalia to purify the city and promote health and fertility. Also, In medieval times, girls would sometimes eat unusual foods on St. Valentine’s Day to make them dream of their future husbands. In 1537, King Henry VIII officially declared February 14th Valentine’s Day.
We give flowers and candy to our loved ones on special occasions like Valentine’s because it strengthens feelings of love and appreciation. Flowers & candy are very thoughtful gifts. Don’t get me wrong! I love candy, especially chocolate, but it doesn’t last (unless maybe on my hips!). Jewelry is a beautiful gift that will last. Dinner at a posh restaurant will be a pleasant memory.
Have you thought about giving the gift of an exploration that will touch a person’s heart and be healthy for their heart? After all, February is American Heart Month, when all people can focus on their cardiovascular health. Walking is good for the heart. You could schedule a hike with a family member or a friend who may appreciate being in nature. There are trails galore in L.A., Orange, and San Diego Counties to explore.
Whenever you decide to celebrate Valentine’s Day, whether in February or beyond, I will help you find a suitable event/activity to share with your recipient.
My primary focus at See Jane Explore is to provide you with experiences that will become life-long memories. Please visit to get started on your customized gift of an exploration.