Seasons of Grandparenting
For the second time, I feel like an empty nester as I reflect on my journey with my four granddaughters, aka GrandAngels. Now all grown up and embracing independence, the youngest, at twenty, is on the cusp of her adventures, leaving the nest nearly empty once more.
Time, indeed, flies. Yesterday’s explorations in the car, filled with stories and laughter, have morphed into today’s digital catch-ups. We forged our bond in shared experiences, from listening to stories in botanical gardens to raptor encounters. New York City adventures and simple meals together laid a foundation of memories.
As they chart their adult paths, finding new ways to connect with my GrandAngels becomes paramount. Grandparenting from afar for some, via FaceTime updates and Instagram shares—recipes for the soul and animal stories (they all love animals) to spark joy. For those nearby, our connection evolves into adult lunches, concerts, and movies, celebrating their growth yet keeping us intertwined.
How do you bridge the generation gap and keep family bonds strong, regardless of distance or stage of life? Leave a comment or send a direct message with your stories.
If you’d like to experience my help planning an exploration for your GrandAngels, I will guide you.. Visit “Customized Explorations”.