With the New Year, we make promises in the guise of resolutions. I did not make any resolutions for 2022, and I’ll tell you why.
I, and I’m pretty sure you are, am inundated with e-mails, messages, mail, phone calls (wanted or unwanted), and much more. We are in information overload. We have our daily responsibilities to manage and achieve. Then, distractions come along and can prevent us from moving forward with our goals/resolutions and daily activities.
I’m a member of https://www.simplifydays.com/, a digital organization company. Their philosophy is to get rid of what you don’t need and organize what you do need. This month’s theme is “Be Selective.” Timothy Ferris, an American entrepreneur, investor, author, podcaster, and lifestyle guru quotes, “Being selective-doing less-is the path of the productive. Focus on the important few and ignore the rest. “Now, how do you achieve this?”
Simplify Days suggests 3 focal points at the beginning of the new year to be selective:
“Create a “do-not list” (what can I remove before I add).” This hit me!! I know that I waste time with things that don’t move me forward with my productivity or that give me joy. Why not check on those and eliminate some from my plate. Indeed, some of them do steal my joy!
“Focus on what you do want.” When I joined Simplify Days, I created a vision board showing what inspires me and what motivates me. The purpose of my vision board is to bring everything on it to life. The vision board helps me re-frame my thoughts i.e. “I’m overwhelmed” to “what do I want?”
Jim Rohn says, “I found that when you start thinking and saying what you really want, then your mind automatically shifts and pulls you in that direction.”
“Small and simple things. Consistency. Daily habits and rituals will really change your life.” To help me with this, I purchased “Atomic Habits” by James Clear. The book is an easy and proven way to build good habits and break bad ones.
I’ll be writing more about my journey in the future.
Great blog post…inspiring! Let’s continue the joy filled actions as we learn how to change.
Thank you, Carolyn! Change can be good. We will continue!