journaling never goes out of style


Journaling Never Goes Out of Style

I write in my gratitude journal daily – first thing in the morning.  I had attended a journaling workshop and have incorporated positive affirmations that “reprogram” my subconscious.  An example is “I am capable of getting things done with a daily focus.” I also express my gratitude for all the positive things in my life.

Handwriting takes more effort than typing on a computer, especially if you’re a fast typist.  The benefits of handwriting, though, last longer, in my opinion.  Scientific evidence supports that “the act of writing accesses your left brain, which is analytical and rational.  While your left brain is occupied, your right brain is free to create, intuit and feel.”

My writing removes mental blocks and allows me to clarify some feelings (negative and positive) to give me a clear perspective to start my day with a clear mind.

I’ve always encouraged my GrandAngels to take their journals on most explorations we’ve shared. When we read some older entries, there’s lots of laughter because they see how their thoughts have matured. I’ve asked them to share their thoughts about writing vs. texting/typing.  Here are a few:

  • “Writing lasts forever. Texts or e-mails go away and use up data, and you delete them later.”
  • “Watching someone’s face when they read your handwritten letter gives me so much satisfaction.”
  • “Writing makes me more productive and mentally strong.” It’s cool to look back and see my old handwriting and short stories.”
  • “It’s fun to hand write letters to your friends then send them in the mailbox because many people don’t do that anymore.”
  • “I feel that writing helps me remember the details about the event.”
  • “Writing still matters because electronics break when you least expect it.”

Take a journal on your summer explorations and/or vacations so those written memories will last a lifetime. If you need help finding unique events and activities to explore in L.A., Orange and San Diego Counties please tap or click on CUSTOMIZED EXPLORATIONS here OR from the main menu.

Remember, the World is Your Playground!

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