New Year. New Habits.

New Year. New Habits.

With the New Year, we make promises in the guise of resolutions. I did not make any resolutions for 2022, and I’ll tell you why. I, and I’m pretty sure you are, am inundated with e-mails, messages, mail, phone calls (wanted or unwanted), and much more. We...
Celebrate a New Christmas Tradition

Celebrate a New Christmas Tradition

“It’s the most wonderful time of the year!”  Children anticipate Santa arriving in their home with gifts galore.  Adults hurry to buy just the right gift for family and friends. Yearly Traditions will be followed by many families, individuals and...
Memorable Photography Explorations 2021

Memorable Photography Explorations 2021

Memorable Photography Explorations 2021   If you’re planning photos in 2021 for families, individuals and anyone in between, it’s to your benefit to experience new and memorable photography explorations. Now is an excellent time to plan photos for graduations,...
Time for Fun at the OC Fair

Time for Fun at the OC Fair

Good news:  The OC Fair is back in business from July 16 – August 15, 2021. Two more days!! It’s time to make memories with family and friends! And, it’s #TIMEFORFUN (which is the theme for OC Fair 2021) because don’t we all need some fun after...

Grown-Up Play Dates Never Go Out of Style

My best friend had moved from her home, about 3 miles from my home, in Southern California to Northern California to be closer to her daughter and her family.  Before her move, we visited each other often at breakfast, and scheduled day explorations when possible....