We get in the Spring Cleaning mood when the weather starts to change in the early part of the year. Days become warmer. The chill of Winter has faded. We want to be ready for the months ahead where we look forward to more outside activities, and getting our homes ready for, perhaps, more visitors and delicious barbecues.

As temperatures climb we open the windows in our homes to let the fresh air in. Oh, no! With more light coming in, we’re stunned at the sight of dust that’s built up over the winter: it’s under the bed, in the corners of the windows, on the window sills…you name it.

Then, we look up and see the cobwebs highlighted by the sun shining into the room! Oh, and then there are the windows showing those water spots sticking from the wind and rain. Can you relate?

While we contemplate what needs to be cleaned in our homes, let’s not forget another kind of Spring Cleaning: Clutter Clearing Our Head and Heart Space. In my previous blog post dated March 20, 2017, I wrote about “Journaling Never Goes Out of Style”.  Writing in a journal helps deal with any overwhelming emotion according to the University of Rochester Medical Center (see link in resources below). By writing in your journal about anything that comes to mind, you’ll most likely see and feel the benefits of keeping your life and mental space in order.

And, you may just be preparing your life for some new and unique adventures and/or ideas to enter in the cleared space!

